



【时  效  性】:暂无信息




2. 物品所有人: 申报个人自用物品的,填本人中英文姓名。

3. 物品所有人证件号码:申报个人自用物品的,填本人证件号码。

5. 物品批文号:相关部门出具的批准文号。

6. 电话:境内联系电话。



17. 备注:需向海关说明的其它情况。

18. 进/出境日期:运输工具进/出境的日期。无实际进出境的填申报日期。

19. 包装种类:选择以下一种包装填报。木箱; 纸箱; 桶装; 散装;托盘; 包; 其它。

20. 体积:按提货单或场站收据填写,计量单位为立方米。

21. 标箱数:标准集装箱数量(散货填报为“0”,1个20英尺集装箱填报为“1”,1个40英尺集装箱填报为“2”,以此类推)。

22. 内包装件数:内包装箱(如纸板箱)件数。

23. 受托方名称及海关代码(身份证件号码):委托代理公司申请的填报代理公司名称及海关代码;委托他人申请的填报受托人姓名和身份证件号码。


24. 项号:物品序列号。

27. 规格/型号:如普通电视机应申报荧幕尺寸,冰箱应申报容积数,汽车申报型号,如E320、750I等。

35. 附页数:附页总页数(无附页的填“0”)。

Instructions: (Items marked with “*” must be completed.)

2. Name of Owner: The name in Chinese and/or English of the owner who declares articles for personal use.

3. ID No. of Owner: ID No. of the owner who declares articles for personal use.

5. Permit No. of Article: No. of permit issued by competent authorities

6. Telephone: Telephone No. in China

Complete the following information with reference to the Bill of Lading. (As for the inward articles, the items marked with “*” must be completed, but if the Bill of Lading is not available yet, the completion may be made later. As for the outward articles, if such shipping documents as dock receipts are available, the marked items must also be completed; if not available yet, the completion may be made later.

Note: For those inward or outward express parcels by non-mail, give the actual means of transport such as “air”. As for articles for official use carried by inward or outward passengers, or articles purchased in duty-free shops, indicate “other”.


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